  • Bar Mitzvah Club!Join the Bar Mitzvah club every month! Lessons, activities, workshops, and more! Read More
  • Learning & ValuesJews are known as the People of the Book - the Torah. Explore the ancient writings of the Torah, Parshah, Jewish History, all the way to contemporary topics.
Chabad-Lubavitch is the world’s largest Jewish educational and outreach organization. A vibrant force in Jewish life, its activities touch the lives of millions of Jews. With approximately 4,200 centers and institutions worldwide, there is not a major city in the world that does not have a permanent Chabad-Lubavitch presence.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • Why Jews Study TorahTorah, G-d's instruction manual for life, allows every Jew to rise above the day-to-day and connect... Read More
Weekly Magazine
Join us in praying that the returnees quickly recover from the physical and emotional trauma they have suffered.
From kings and High Priests to rabbis and communal leaders, here’s a curious look at the unique ways Jewish inaugurations have been marked throughout history.
One of the most iconic symbols in the story of the Exodus, used to unleash the plagues and split the sea.
Do you know when Shabbat begins and who the Patriarchs are?
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Phoenix, AZ
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13